Archive for March, 2010

If you’re having trouble with editing Office documents from SharePoint in Windows 7 or Vista, here’s one reason and fix: Reasons (besides Windows7 and Vista): WebClient service not started SharePoint domain has dots (.) in the name Your IE is trying to resolve LAN/Proxy settings Solution Important! Part of solution is also modifying your registry. […]

Thursday, March 25th, 2010 at 13:02 | 4 comments
Categories: SharePoint

After a while I’ve prepared the third (or second if you count first two as one) article in Power of Content Editor WebPart series. In this article we do something that was already done using JavaScript – we hide SharePoint’s Quick Launch bar. But we do this to learn how this can be achieved. In […]

Monday, March 15th, 2010 at 08:00 | 1 comment
Categories: JavaScript, SharePoint

After I installed SP2 for Office 2007, an annoying issue occurred. All the code started over indenting – meaning that a sub-node was indented 4 tabs into instead of 4 spaces or 1 tab. There is a setting in SPD to fix that. In Tools menu select Page editor options And under Code Formatting decrease […]

Friday, March 5th, 2010 at 09:37 | 0 comments

If you’re trying to export data from a SharePoint list to Excel you might get this error message. Possible causes / solutions: 1. Change all Date and Time columns to single line of text and then back to Date and Time. Don’t worry, the data in these columns will be preserved. 2. There is a […]

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 at 09:00 | 5 comments
Categories: SharePoint

If you need to add custom JavaScript to SharePoint 2010 list form just like in 2007 (for example the SharePoint Cascaded Lookup), you’d need to insert the Content Editor WebPart to the same form. There are couple of ways to do it. Here’s one: 1. In a SharePoint List View select the “List” tab in […]

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 at 11:30 | 4 comments
Categories: SharePoint 2010

When dealing with quite some scripts for this blog or at work, I always come across couple of supporting JavaScripts that I constantly reuse. That’s why I’ve created an extra page to publish those scripts and have them available at one place. And if you find some use for them, so much the better. Those […]

Monday, March 1st, 2010 at 22:23 | 1 comment
Categories: JavaScript, SharePoint