Archive for February, 2008

This one’s an add-on to the previous post. Even though it’s quite quick to sort items in a List / Document Library view by clicking on the column title, you can do this also by using URL. Just add parameters ?SortField=[Field Name]&SortDir=[Asc / Desc] Example: to sort by Title descending, type ?SortField=Title&SortDir=Desc When is it […]

Friday, February 29th, 2008 at 21:39 | 0 comments
Categories: JavaScript, SharePoint

This one’s very useful when you’re having a lot of items in a list or document library and you need a quick filter. If you’ll select the filter field it can happen that it will load for a long time. So lately I’m using URL. Suppose you have a long list of contacts and you […]

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008 at 13:38 | 29 comments
Categories: Flash, JavaScript, SharePoint

This post continues the topic from my first part about embedding Flash videos in SharePoint Blogs where we’ve learned how to embed one Flash animation or video (or have a lot of work for publishing each flash).  The problem arises if we want to embed more videos and have them displayed automatically. Since SharePoint is […]

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008 at 00:45 | 12 comments
Categories: Flash, JavaScript, SharePoint

SharePoint’s rich text field is much better than in version 2.0. It even enables to edit the HTML source. But one thing I don’t understand is why it filters out the HTML code so much that we can’t even embed the Flash animations or videos into the content. This is a major drawback for SharePoint […]

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008 at 23:58 | 8 comments
Categories: SharePoint

Recently I wanted to add some text descriptions to the “NewForm.aspx” and “EditForm.aspx”. I remembered a trick Pedro Serrano showed me some time ago. It works for SharePoint 2.0 and SharePoint 3.0. All you need to add to the page are the   ?PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2   parameters. This opens the Task pane for adding webparts. So […]

Monday, February 25th, 2008 at 21:45 | 4 comments
Categories: Computer, Free tools

Not long ago I’ve had a bit of mishap by deleting some of my very important pictures (birth of my kid). With the first shock I couldn’t find quickly any free software for undeleting. After calming down I’ve found the following two: Office Recovery FreeUndelete 2.0 Free Undelete + They did a very good job […]

Thursday, February 21st, 2008 at 10:12 | 0 comments
Categories: JavaScript, SharePoint

I’ve already posted on how to refference SharePoint field with JavaScript (here – with functio getField). For “Date and Time” type of fields you can use the above function only to refference the Date part. Thanks to Erik / Tanker who commented my post and discovered that these dropdowns get the same ID but just […]

Thursday, February 21st, 2008 at 10:03 | 0 comments