Archive for November, 2007

Here’s a quick tip: If you want to add more Content Editor Web Parts faster to a homepage or a webpart page (to move and edit them afterwards) 1. Switch to edit mode2. Add a Content Editor Web Part3. When the page reloads with a CEWP added, hit Refresh (F5) and click “Retry” when Internet […]

Friday, November 30th, 2007 at 20:52 | 6 comments
Categories: JavaScript, SharePoint

In my previous post I’ve explained how to pass parameters from URL to use in a Data View. There is another very useful way: – using Cookies. The process is very similar, using SharePoint Designer: 1. To read the cookie value and use it as a parameter: Open the properties pane of the XSLT Data View […]

Sunday, November 18th, 2007 at 14:48 | 1 comment
Categories: SharePoint, Web design

This is a reply to PsychedEric in my post about QueryString. To use params from URL in an XSLT data view is quite simple. Once you have the data view inserted, display the options of the Data View and click on Parameters. Next click the button “New Parameter” and enter a name for it. Then […]

Sunday, November 18th, 2007 at 13:54 | 1 comment
Categories: Free tools, Software