Archive for October, 2006

If you’re writing longer texts into Windows SharePoint Services lists be careful. By default WSS has a 30-minute security timeout. This means that if you’ll click on a New Item and then write in the contents for 30 minutes and 1 second, you’ll get an error message when clicking Save and close. If you click […]

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006 at 21:45 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

I love the new Microsoft Office 2007. It really has a lot of improvements. But now I have a problem. I’m used to exporting a list into excel, making advanced editing there and then synchronizing the data back to the SharePoint list. But soon I realized (after a long search) that the button to synchronize […]

Saturday, October 28th, 2006 at 00:25 | 2 comments
Categories: SharePoint

SharePoint and FrontPage have a very nice functionality of grouping the data in a list data view according to selected group. What in my opinion can be improved, is that you expand or colapse the group with a click on the whole cell rather than targeting that small plus or minus sign in front of […]

Saturday, October 28th, 2006 at 00:21 | 0 comments
Categories: Flash

Coming from Slovenia I have to face with the problem of slovenian characters in the web applications. Usually FrontPage or SharePoint designer take good care about that for me. The problem arises when I need to use Flash that reads external file. Example: I need to embed a flash that will read the text that […]

Monday, October 16th, 2006 at 20:21 | 3 comments
Categories: Free tools, Web design

I’ve already posted about where to get free graphics for your website. Another place that quickly became one of my favourites is stock.xchng. Liked it from the first moment. I’ve already registered and posted 2 photos to share with the community (click here to see my profile and photos on sxc). The site is nice, […]

Saturday, October 14th, 2006 at 21:52 | 0 comments
Categories: SharePoint

I always like to access our company’s SharePoint Document Library via URL. And on the way I like to save every keystroke (can’t help it – I’m lazy). To have the url of the document library as short as possible, when creating it make the following: Create document library and name it something very short […]

Thursday, October 12th, 2006 at 16:23 | 1 comment
Categories: SharePoint

To make links from SharePoint lists, document libraries, etc. open in new window is usually easy with FrontPage 2003 or SharePoint Designer and inserting a Data View. But this caused problems. In some cases when you’re including xslt data view you can have trouble saving site like template. What worked for me is to put […]

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006 at 20:28 | 2 comments
Categories: Personal

Yeeee! Forgot to post. Recently (18.9.) there was an event for Microsoft’s partners in Slovenia. At the end I’ve also had a presentation with 2 of my friends. We’ve all come to the finals so we’ve earned the title Vistaman, to prove that we can present the new Office and Vista. Congratulations to Matjaž Šircelj […]

Friday, October 6th, 2006 at 19:43 | 2 comments
Categories: SharePoint

SharePoint has a nice feature when it comes to edit the multiple lines of text. That is rich text editor. What I’m missing the most in this is the button for creating hyperlinks. So only if you typed in an URL like this was recognized. What if you wanted to create a hyperlink to […]

Friday, October 6th, 2006 at 09:31 | 0 comments
Categories: SharePoint

If you’re like me using SharePoint over the Internet (for extranet, and other purposes) and if you’re opening the same site a lot of times, you might want the computer to remember the username and password for that site. But the computer simply doesn’t want to remember the username and password… Although many do not […]

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006 at 21:15 | 4 comments
Categories: Computer