Archive for September, 2006

Some time ago I’ve had the craziest problem with one of my friend’s computer. After she installed one player, everything that she wanted to run (like for example Word, Outlook, games,…) – EVERYTHING started that player with an error message. I went almost crazy looking for solution. That’s why I want to point it out […]

Friday, September 29th, 2006 at 20:21 | 2 comments
Categories: Free tools

There are quite some good vector graphics editors available on the market. But again keeping the stle of free I have to recommend you Inkscape – an open source scalable vector graphics editor. It has all the features for drawing with vectors that you need. I had to prepare t-shirts and I used this program. […]

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006 at 07:33 | 2 comments
Categories: Web design

Well FireFox already supports semi-transparent png and the effects with these are super. Also Internet Explorer 7 now has the support for transparency in png. But to wait for everybody to change from IE6? That might take a while. But if you need semi-transparent effects on your website, here’s a very neat optical trick to […]

Thursday, September 21st, 2006 at 22:06 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Wow. This is amazing! You can actually post blogs directly from word! This post is actually made with the new Word 2007! Just click the office logo, select new and from templates select New blog entry. Although I’m having some difficulties posting to the new blogger Beta, but I’m sure it will be fixed when […]

Saturday, September 16th, 2006 at 10:16 | 1 comment
Categories: Flash, Web design

Not everybody has Flash installed. It’s quite easy and free to install it, but still there are some cases that simply someone viewing your website might not have Flash player installed. You can put an alternative content for users that don’t have flash player installed. So instead of your flash animation you still can display […]

Friday, September 15th, 2006 at 07:45 | 0 comments
Categories: Free tools, Software

Windows already has an integrated .zip compressed file support. But I’ve experienced problem in bigger zip files. And also sometimes I’m receiving lots of compressed files in other formats, such as .rar. A solution to this problem is: 7-zip file archiver. It has its own high compression format and also supports packing/unpacking to/from 7z, ZIP, […]

Thursday, September 14th, 2006 at 07:38 | 0 comments
Categories: DHTML, JavaScript, SharePoint

I’m probably one of the biggest fans of SharePoint, because it enables me to do virtually anything with a bit of creativity. So you can expect some more of the SharePoint stuff here (by the way: I’m not a programmer, so don’t catch me on too technical details.) One thing that was annoying me and […]

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006 at 14:37 | 0 comments
Categories: Free tools

My friend, Jose has a good post about where to find free graphics. When in need of graphics for your website, the problem can be the authorship rights. That’s why you have to search for royality free pictures. Or you can check office online. Check Jose’s tip about free clipart. Through Office online you can […]

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006 at 18:45 | 0 comments
Categories: Flash, Web design

If you’re keeping your computer secure and up-to-date with updates, you’ve probably noticed that in Internet Explorer you have to first click on the flash animation or any other object (such as movie, etc) to be able to interactively use it. Here’s a screenshot of what I have in mind. I understand that Microsoft is […]

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006 at 06:59 | 0 comments
Categories: Flash, Web design

Here’s a problem that I’ve had: I’m working on a website and I received a flash animation to put it it. The problem was that the site also included DHTML menu with layers. The problem is, that the menu layers don’t want to display above flash animation. A screenshot of the problem: The solution is […]

Monday, September 11th, 2006 at 10:28 | 0 comments
Categories: Free tools, Web design